All current proposed rules

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534 State Brand Board The effect of the rules will be an increase in brand program fees, set a brand application fee, and set the fee for brand inspections requested outside the brand inspection area, not to exceed $1.00/head. The brand program fees are for registrations, transfers, renewals, duplicate certificates, and a brand application fee.
571 68:02 Board of Economic Development The effect of the amendments will be to authorize the Board of Economic Development to make loans from the Revolving Economic Development and Initiative Fund for the construction and refurbishment of multi-family housing. The amendments will allow for the amortization of loans for multi-family housing for a term of up to 30 years. The proposal also includes the repeal of a transitional rule adopted in 2007 which is not obsolete.
710 ARSD 24:43 These rules have been withdrawn------------------------------------------ The effect of the rules will be to prohibit the adoption of content standards that promote inherently divisive concepts and revise language regarding waivers of administrative rules. The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to comply with Executive Order 2022-02 and clarify the justification required for waivers of administrative rules.
713 Administrative Rule Change for State Board of Elections §§ 5:02:03:01, 5:02:05:00, 5:02:05:01, 5:02:09:16, and 5:02:16:36. The effect of the rules will be to update recapitulation sheets to provide clarifying language and additional tabulation descriptions, allow for the use of certain abbreviations on official ballot stamps, provide clarity regarding the certificate of transmittal to a counting board, and update the voter registration form to provide clarity to the choice of party information section. The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to provide clarity for election workers and the public regarding forms used in the election process.
737 Administrative Rule Changes for State Board of Elections The effect of the rules will be to change the Voter Registration Form in accordance with the Settlement and resulting Court Order in Rosebud Sioux Tribe, et. al. v. Steve Barnett, in his official capacity as Secretary of State, et. al. CIV. No. 5:20-CV-5058-LLP (D.S.D.). The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to comply with the settlement and resulting Court Order in in Rosebud Sioux Tribe, et. al. v. Steve Barnett, in his official capacity as Secretary of State, et. al. CIV. No. 5:20-CV-5058-LLP (D.S.D.).
745 State Board of Elections Rule Change § 05:02:03:01.The effect of the rules will be to change the Voter Registration Form in accordance with the Settlement and resulting Court Order in Rosebud Sioux Tribe, et. al. v. Steve Barnett, in his official capacity as Secretary of State, et. al. CIV. No. 5:20-CV-5058-LLP (D.S.D.).
746 §§ 5:02:04:18, 5:02:19:11, 5:02:09:01.01, 5:02:01:02, 5:02:09:2.02, 5:02:16:01.01, 05:02:10:09, 5:02:08:45, 5:02:03:01, 05:02:03:14, 05:02:21:01, 05:02:03:01, 05:04:06:10, and 05:02:23:01. Election Rules
754 CHAPTER 10:02:02 FEES CHARGEABLE FOR LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Amend rules to increase maximum fees chargeable for legal publications by five percent - PUBLIC HEARING IS CANCELLED AND WILL BE RESCHEDULED AT A LATER DATE
756 ARSD 24:43(Dual Credit) The effect of the rules will be to require all school districts to uniformly transcribe postsecondary credits onto a student’s high school transcript. The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to comply with SB 182 (13-28-37).
766 ARSD 24:08:01:01, 24:08:02:04, and 24:08:03:03 The effect of the proposed amended rules is to clarify references to educators and to add a requirement to the code of ethics for the reporting of violations of the code. The rules are intended to ensure that educators make a report when they become aware of a violation of the code of ethics.
769 §§ 5:01:01:01; 5:01:07:01; 5:01:07:02; 5:01:07:03; 5:01:07:04; 5:01:07:05; 5:01:07:06; 5:01:07:07; 5:01:07:08; 5:01:07:09; 5:01:07:10; and 5:01:07:11 Board of Finance
774 Amendment to rule 12:53:01:02 to adopt the current Association of American Feed Control Officials section model bill and regulation. The Association of American Feed control Officials (AAFCO) made changes to the official publication and updated the model bill and regulations. This change will better align with the Pet Food Label Modernization Act.
775 ARSD 24:11:03:01 Administrators (Code of Ethics) The effect of the proposed amended rule is to add a requirement to the code of ethics for the reporting of violations of the code. The rule is intended to ensure that administrators make a report when they become aware of a violation of the code of ethics.
781 §§ 5:02:03:14; 5:02:05:02.01; 5:02:10:04; 5:02:10:09; 5:02:16:01.01; 5:02:23:02; 5:02:23:03; 5:02:23:04; 5:02:23:05; 5:02:23:06; 5:02:23:07; 5:02:23:08; 5:02:23:09; 5:02:23:10; 5:02:23:11; 5:02:23:12; 5:02:23:13; 5:02:23:14; 5:02:23:15; and 5:02:23:16. Election Rules
796 South Dakota Commission on Gaming amendment of Administrative Rules 20: 18:06:Ol.;20:18:06:03.;20: 18:06:04.;20: 18:06:09.; 20:18:07:01.;20: 18:07:01.01.;20:18:07:02.; 20:18:07:03.; 20:18:09:02.;20: 18:0 :03.;20:18:09:04.;20:18:10:02.; 20:18:10:03.;20:18:10:06.; 20:18:10:07.;20:18:10:10.;20:18:10:11.;20:18:11:Ol.;20:18:11:02.; 20:18:12:02.;20:18:12:03.; 20:18:12:04.;20:18:15:30.06.;20:18:16:15.14.;20:18:16:15.18.;20:18:17:24.04.;20: 18:17:24.05.; 20:18:17:24.06.;20:18:17:24.08.;20: 18:17:24.09.;20:18:17:24.10.;20:18:17:24.13.;20:18:17:24.16.; 20:18:17:24.18.;20: 18: 26:01.;20: 18:26:02.;20:18:26:03. ;20:18:31:03. The effect of the rules will be to correct existing rules for errors and statutory reference concerning authority due to the repeal of certain sections of the South Dakota codified laws.