Department of Human Services

Revisions to the Division of Long Term Services and Supports' HOPE Waiver Rules

The effect of the rules will be to update and add definitions; clarify institutionalized and clarify the setting for eligibility; add the requirement for HOPE waiver services to include the individual must have an Individual Support Plan per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; update the provisions; clarify the requirement for each individual to participate in a needs assessment when applying for HOPE waiver services and participate in the assessment; specify the contents of the individual support plan and that it must be signed by the participant; clarify the department must annually redetermine the participant’s level of care; update and reorder the list of services available through the HOPE waiver; clarify language on the participant cost share when applicable; update the location of the fee schedule; update reasons for discontinuance or denial; and add the cost of services and an exceptions process. The reason for adopting the proposed rules is to ensure program language is clear, to update administrative rules to match Medicaid waiver requirements, and to promote on-going best practices for assisting persons in need of services.

New content is added below as the draft rules move through the rule-making process.

Interim Rules Hearing
Important Dates
Public Hearing:
Comment Deadline:
Interim Rules Committee Hearing:
Filed-Secretary of State:
Rule Effective:
Agency Contact: Marilyn Hanson mail to: