Department of Human Services

CHOICES and Family Support 360 Waiver, Interpreter Registration and Intermediate Care Facility Termination Notice

The proposed rules add regulatory definitions for the terms “abuse,” “exploitation” and “neglect;” revise criteria for imposing probation on certain providers; specify that providers must afford all participants their rights; specify providers may not allow or condone abuse, neglect or exploitation; update appeal provisions when services are terminated by a provider; update definitions concerning Family Support Waiver Services; clarify hiring responsibilities under the agency with choice model; add new language concerning the common-law employer model; add specialized therapies as a service covered under the Family Support Waiver; repeal review of a qualified provider; update notice requirements for when an intermediate care facility terminates services; and repeal certain registration requirements for interpreters.

New content is added below as the draft rules move through the rule-making process.

Interim Rules Hearing
Important Dates
Public Hearing:
Comment Deadline:
Interim Rules Committee Hearing:
Filed-Secretary of State:
Rule Effective:
Agency Contact: Marilyn Hanson mail to: