Department of Social Services

Behavioral Health

The primary effect of the rule changes is to replace the term division with department throughout most of articles 67:61 (Substances Use Disorder) and 67:62 (Mental Health). The accreditation and licensing of providers or agencies transitioned to the newly formed Office of Licensing and Accreditation within the Department of Social Services.  The proposed change of “division” to “department” within articles 67:61 and 67:62 will reflect this organizational change and allow the Office of Licensing and Accreditation to sign the accreditation certificates issued to agencies as they are completing the work.  Additional effects of the rule changes will be to update form and style to current guidance, remove acronyms, broaden the term physician to clinician, related to tuberculosis screening to ensure consistency with the Department of Health, and adjust the education requirement for staff members providing certain direct services and support to clients from an associate degree to a high school diploma or equivalent, and adding supervision from a clinical supervisor.

New content is added below as the draft rules move through the rule-making process.

Interim Rules Hearing
Important Dates
Public Hearing:
Comment Deadline:
Interim Rules Committee Hearing:
Filed-Secretary of State:
Rule Effective:
Agency Contact: Teresa Schulte mail to: DSSAdminRules@STATE.SD.US