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Department of Human Services
Department of Human Services
Division of Rehabilitation Services §§ 46:30:09:03, 46:30:10:03, 46:30:12:01, 46:30:12:03, 46:31:01:05; Division of Developmental Disabilities §§ 46:04:01:01, 46:04:01:02, 46:04:01:04, 46:04:01:06, 46:04:01:08, 46:04:01:09, 46:04:01:11, 46:04:01:12, 46:04:01:15, 46:04:01:16, 46:04:01:21, 46:04:01:24, 46:04:01:27, 46:11:01:01, 46:11:02:05.1, 46:11:02:06, 46:11:02:07, 46:11:02:09, 46:11:02:10, 46:11:03:00, 46:11:04:04, 46:11:05:02, 46:11:05:05, 46:11:05:05.1, 46:11:05:05.2, 46:11:07:16, 46:11:08:01, 46:11:08:02, 46:11:11:05, and the proposed repeal of 46:04:01:10 and 46:11:06:03
The effect of the rules will be to increase eligibility for certain telecommunications equipment; to correct and specify eligibility for the communication assistance services program; to add criteria for denial, suspension or revocation of interpreter certification; update shared living terminology and compliance requirements; expand time for shared living required training and training requirements; amend definitions; adjust provider enrollment requirements; clean up language and internal references; specify records requirements; update case management provisions; clarify the requirement for a functional behavior analysis; clarify provider role regarding immunizations; increase eligibility for community training services; to repeal day service provisions within the shared living chapter; and to repeal the 300-foot provider building separation requirement.
New content is added below as the draft rules move through the rule-making process.