Department of Social Services

Chapter 67:11:01 and Chapter 67:46 Eligibility for Medical Services

The effects of the rules will be to update certain rules to reflect annual changes and changes in rules required due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Changes include: update the federal poverty level; remove, replace, and add certain terminology and applicable definitions to reflect current language; modify eligibility requirements for multiple groups by removing resource requirements for modified adjusted gross income eligibility groups and reference to aid to families with dependent children income requirements; and modify residency requirements for certain program eligibility.

New content is added below as the draft rules move through the rule-making process.

Intermin Rules Hearing
Agency Contact: Teresa Schulte
mail to: DSSAdminRules@STATE.SD.US
Important Dates
Public Hearing:
Comment Deadline:
Interim Rules Committee Hearing:
Filed-Secretary of State:
Rule Effective: